Saturday, October 20, 2018

Be One with Human Rights
            Another month came and we are given the chance to celebrate the United Nations Month with the theme “Coming Together with Those Furthest behind Build an Inclusive World of Universal Rights and Dignity”.

Resulta ng larawan para sa unity clipartThere are so many problems in the world and human rights is the reason behind all of these problems. Human rights is always been the biggest problem. Some people do not care about this human rights. They just do what they want to do, they do not care if somebody is violated by them. Yes, we can say that there are so many laws for these but still they are violated. People are very proud of themselves they do not know that they are already degrading and forgetting human rights.  

Let’s deal with unity and be as one. Unity is the solution to the problems of the world. With all the problems that we are facing, we can’t handle all of these. We need to cooperate and be as one to solve the problems in the world. Let’s respect each other and love one another.


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