Saturday, February 9, 2019

Change: Starts With Me

          We always wanted to have a happy life, to have have a peaceful life. But in this world full of unsolved problems and issues, does this makes you happy? We always want an improvement to our society yet we don't follow simple rules. We always complain on what is happening without realizing that problem is in ourselves.

Kaugnay na larawan          If we want an improvement in our society, we need to look for the best decision. We need to help in our society, we should not depend ourselves in the government. We have our own responsibilities also that we need to do. We need to function for a change. We need to change the world into a better place if we want. But before of that, we need to look at ourselves and reflect. We must think that the change starts with ourselves. The simplest thing that we do can make a big change in this world. We have the power to change if we want to. We can do big things if we can do the little.

           We must change if we want to improve this world. We can do all things if we want to. We must take actions if others can't. We must start to change ourselves and then the change for the better place will come. We need to stand to change this world into a better place.



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