Saturday, December 8, 2018

The Season of Love

          December is one of the awaited month of the year. The month when our Jesus Christ was born. The time when we should forget and forgive before the year ends. The season of joy, peace and, love as they say. The time to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ with peace and love.  Spreading love to everyone.

Kaugnay na larawanPeople in this month celebrates with happiness. Everyone smiles while the cold breeze touches their skins. The streets filled with Christmas songs being sung by children caroling. Every houses decorated with Christmas trees and with different shades of Christmas lights. The different kinds of foods that are served during midnight. But before all of these, we should know the real meaning of Christmas. Christmas is the time to spread love by giving and sharing. Christmas should filled with love. We should reflect in this month and forgive ourselves and others before you forget. This is the sign of a new beginning before entering the New Year.

In this month, we should spread more love by giving what you can give to others especially those who have needs. Celebrate this Christmas with full of love with your family and friends. And don’t ever forget to celebrate it with Jesus Christ in it. Because Christmas is not all about the decorations, gifts, or foods. Christmas is the season to show your love.                                                             


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